When I first met Master Yusuf I was going through a dramatic time in my life and was on the verge of, if not in the midst of a nervous breakdown. Everything in my life was in tatters and I had no idea where I was going or who I was anymore.
Master, slowly and lovingly guided me and taught me the process of how to find the road back home to myself. Myself in its true divine essence, who and what I really AM, from a HigherSELF perspective.
He introduced me to the ways of Creation which accelerated my healing and from there I have never looked back. Master Yusuf uses many unique and mysterious healing techniques to unblock and guide you.
I truly believe that if a person is ready to follow this Spiritual healing journey, they need to trust and let go of all self-limited, pre conditioned beliefs. Master Yusuf helped guide me every step of the way through this process and I am truly grateful for the gifts that Master Yusuf taught me.
He is a wonderful and very powerful healer.